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We are auctioning a mix of lights lenses and camera accessories.
We are auctioning ARRI ex demo and certified pre-owned stock.
To close the gap between the M40 and the ARRIMAX 18/12, the M90 introduces a new power class of 9,000 W. The unit is open-faced and very bright; it is also focusable from 16° up to 49°, producing a remarkably even light field and a crisp, clear shadow. ARRI technology partner Osram developed a new 9,000 W lamp for the M90, which is stable at 1,000 Hz and almost as small as the 6,000 W lamp that can alternatively be used. This allowed ARRI to design the M90 in a very compact housing, barely larger than the ARRISUN 60. EB960PA power factor-corrected 9000W ballast with built-in 1000Hz mode for high-speed filming applications.The ballast has a unique self-tuning autoscan feature to automatically optimise the lamp stability when running in the high-speed mode.The product is based on the Power Gems modular power circuit design which allows easy and rapid service and maintainance through the use of pluggable power modules.The ballast also measures power loss in the head feeder cable to allow compensation of cable power losses and maintain maximum light output. Product Features: • Pluggable Power Modules • High Speed option as standard • DMX control • Volt Drop Compensation
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PRODUCT SPECIFICATION EB960P High Speed ballast 9000W incl. 1000Hz:
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