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We are auctioning a mix of lights lenses and camera accessories.
We are auctioning ARRI ex demo and certified pre-owned stock.
Art.Nr. 2250-100SET
With this flexible system, there are no surprises on the set!
And this in a few seconds, via practical bayonet closures.
A single SET like Euro on Euromount can be supplemented with optional adapter plates at any time.
With the new 4-way Mitchell leveling unit, fine threads allow very precise positioning of the tilt angle. The 5900 gram lightweight 4-way levellers are mainly made of aluminum, the axles are free of weights.
The Euromount top plate can be exchanged in a few seconds against a Mitchell plate Art. No. 2250-3500. The spacers are required (item no. 2250-1300 extension retrofit kit) and allow the necessary distance (euromount / mitchell) to attach a mitchell adapter with nut. The new MovieTech 4-way Mitchell leveling enables a steep angle of adjustment of 7 °.
The spacers are magnetically charged to ensure fast and safe assembly.