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We are auctioning a mix of lights lenses and camera accessories.
We are auctioning ARRI ex demo and certified pre-owned stock.
Range of Motion: Unlimited Swing Rotation, 45 deg up, 45 deg down
Top Speed: 360º Swing rotation limited to 128kmh wind speed SEE *SWING
Boom Length: 1,67m from center, 3,35m total
Lens Height from Roof: 1,5m above, 0,90m below
Max Controlled Speeds: 7.5 sec 360º Swing
Weather: Weather/ water resistant
Supported Cameras
● Red: Epic, Scarlet, Raven, Weapon, Dragon
● ARRI: Mini
● Blackmagic: URSA Mini, Cinema Camera, BMPCC
● Sony: FS7, FS5, F5, F55, F3, A7S
● Canon: C100, C300, C500, 1D C, 5D Mk2-IV
● Panasonic: GH4, GH5, EVA1