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We are auctioning a mix of lights lenses and camera accessories.
We are auctioning ARRI ex demo and certified pre-owned stock.
The C3 VacuMount is a lightweight -3 kg-, resistant, and ultra-flexible vacuum mounting platform that delivers a multitude of rigging possibilities with ultimate functionality. The C3 VacuMount system is ideal for mounting cameras, gimbals, camera heads, lights or other accessories on all smooth surfaces such as windows, cars, walls etc.!
With the C3 VacuMount
System you can take shots whith the camera directed at the driver from the front of a car (off the hood), or from the side of a car – the C3 System covers these applications entirely.
The C3 and C1 can be used as a single mounting system, or as addition with further C3, or the C1 VacuMounts. The VacuMounts can be connected to each other due to its design of in row linked components.
The C3 VacuMount is an active micro-controlled vacuum rigging system whith permanent automatic pressure and power control. Loss of pressure will be readjusted immediately. The control unit can be used in four different modes depending the requirements.
The three suction pads can carry a maximum payload of up to 100 kg | 220 lbs, depending on how the C3 VacuMount is used.
The C3 VacuMount is designed in such a way that it can hold the camera, gimbal and lights directly, or mounted with a wedge/tilt plate, ball mounts, etc.
The assembly and rigging of the C3 VacuMount very user friendly and carried out within seconds.
Easy one man handling due to its lightweight and user optimized design.
Due to it´s unique joint design you are able to react to the relevant requirements and offer always a suitable solution.
The vacuum hoses mounted on the bottom of the C3 structure are responsible for the vacuum pressure as well as anti scratch protection.
The vacuum pump system can be connected from 11V to 30V DV , directly from a car (12V), or any standard V-Mount Battery or D-TAP.
The C3 VacuMount consumes only 0,96W/h in automatic mode.
The C3 VacuMount can be rigged and used perfectly on narrow or small surfaces.
Due to articulated links the mounting angle can also be used around the corner whitout any additional work on the C3 structure.
To protect your equipment, we recommend to use tension belt and our latest developed hook system. The hooks fit almost in every gap and due to its material avoid scratches or other damages on a car, boat, etc.
The VacuMount System is a versatile rigging tool, which can be perfectly adapted to different conditions on set.
You look for the quick shot with highest efficiency or something special with ultimate rigging! The VacuMount System will satisfy your needs.